Nothing says home like the smell of a freshly baked bread loaf. Bread can be a great companion for your tea or a perfect breakfast on a lazy morning. Having a sandwich made with freshly baked bread or eating it with a cup of tea or coffee in evenings can be nourishing and appetizing. But to bake a batch of freshly baked bread you need a perfect bread pan that makes crunchy crust with a chewy texture.

For professional bakers an aluminum bread box with lid is a staple in their pantry. If you want to bake a perfectly shaped breads that are golden brown every time then a bread pan with a lid is a must-have bakeware in your pantry. SunBrand aluminum bread box comes with a lid that prevents the dough from rising beyond the pan. Therefore you achieve a perfectly shaped loaf of bread that is crunchy in the sides, and chewy in texture.

Why Aluminum bread box?

SunBrand aluminum bread box is deep enough for the dough to rise and is available in wide variety of sizes. Aluminum is one the best material used for making bread boxes. Because aluminum bread boxes are reliable, and offers even results each time you use it. Aluminum heats up and cools down quickly. It is durable compared to other materials used for making bakeware. Sunbrand aluminum bread boxes are anodized hence non-reactive, durable, and corrosion resistant.

SunBrand aluminum bread boxes are regular bread pans that are perfectly symmetrical in width and depth. Breads baked in Sunbrand bread boxes have thin crust and finely textured crumb. Aluminum’s great heat conductivity provides even bake to your loaves every time you bake. They are finely designed with lid for a beautiful shape and a well-baked crust to your loaf. This why every baker in India prefer SunBrand aluminum bread box.

How to use SunBrand Bread box?

Prepare the dough recipe that you want to bake in SunBrand bread box. Let the dough rise, and when it is doubled put in the bread box. Next bake it at the temperature specified in the recipe. If you are using a four compartment SunBrand aluminum bread box roll the dough into four spiral- rolled sections of dough. Now place each sections in each compartment of the SunBrand bread box. After settling the dough inside the pan let it rise slightly. Make sure it does not rise so high to touch the lid. Finally, close the lid and bake the bread.

How to grease SunBrand Aluminum bread box?

For a hassle-free release of bread from bread pan it is essential to grease them. There are so many items available to grease a bread box such as oil, butter, shortening, or cooking spray.

To grease SunBrand bread box spread butter, cooking oil, or shortening on all the sides and bottom of the bread box. If you are baking a sweet bread this is enough for easy release of bread after it is baked.

For wheat or multi-grain bread it is advisable to use coarse cornmeal on all sides and bottom of the bread box. Put a hand full or cornmeal flour and shake the pan until it covers all the sides. Then toss the bread box and shake it to release the extra flour out of the bread box. This will help for easy release of bread right after it is baked.

Tips for baking perfect bread

Even though you buy the right bread pan for baking breads there are tips and tricks to follow when baking. Here we have listed a few of them to help you attain the perfect crust and crumb.

  1. Use organic ingredients: Do not use the store bought flour for baking bread. Freshly ground flour with wheat gluten is the best to use.
  2. Store your yeast properly and make sure to use the right yeast.
  3. Over or under kneading the dough is the biggest mistake in bread baking. Knead it until the dough stretches out 2 to 4 inches without breaking apart.
  4. Salt is important it reacts with the flour and yeast to give good texture and structure to the bread. So add enough salt to the flour, too much is not good.

How to care for an aluminum bread box?

Proper cleaning of SunBrand aluminum bread box extends its durability and lasts a lifetime.

Wash your new SunBrand bread box with warm water thoroughly and dry it completely. This will remove any dirt or dust sticking to the bread box making it safe for use. Next make a sufficient amount paste using baking soda and water to remove stains from aluminum bread box. This paste helps in polishing also.

After baking with SunBrand Aluminum bread box remember to clean it completely. Grease the pan before baking also, avoid scraping the surface of the bread box with knife, fork or any sharp tool.

SunBrand offers the prefect aluminum bread box that bakes evenly baked brown bread with chewy texture. It is designed in such a way that it allows even baking and hassle-free release of bread from the bread box after baking.

Click here to Buy SunBrand Aluminum Bread box